The Stories That Save Us Until They Hold Us Back

March 21, 2023. 8:30pm EST / 5:30pm PST FREE, Live via Zoom

Have you ever questioned your own personal stories? The ones you’ve told so often that they’ve come to define you. You trot them out on a blind date or at a dinner party as shorthand to allow people to understand you as a person. How can we be sure these stories really reflect the full expression of who we are? Can we challenge ourselves to look at them in a new way? One with a fresh perspective? Author, advisor and strategic leader, Laila Tarraf, thinks that we can.

Join us for a 30-minute conversation with Laila as she guides us through how we can become more aware of the limiting beliefs that may be holding us back so we can open more possibilities for our future. Learn how Laila discovered these insights in her own life and how she created a new path by reading her book, Strong Like Water, available on Amazon.

Laila is a seasoned leadership development executive with over 25 years of experience building teams and creating cultures that enable growth. She was a founding member of at the height of the first internet bubble and the Chief People Officer at Peet's Coffee and Tea. She worked in private equity and most recently, as Chief People Officer for AllBirds. Laila has evolved her leadership and life philosophy into one that embraces the inherent duality of life - balancing courage with compassion, integrating head with heart, infusing power with tenderness. 

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