Rock The Empty Nest!

Today’s Groundbreakers Share Strategies to Inspire Your Future

Free Virtual Conference ~ May 15 - 18, 2023

Have you ever asked yourself “Who am I, beyond Mom/Dad, Business Professional, Cook, Cleaner, Family Organizer?”   

Have you ever wondered “What does life look like after carpools and kids’ events? What do I want to do with my new-found free time?  What CAN I do?”

Do you lie awake at night, pre-occupied by your family’s security (finances, health, etc) and worry about how you can proactively address these areas?

You are not alone!  Encore Retreats is bringing together experts in all different fields to answer these questions and help you design a clear plan for your future after the kids leave the house.  You CAN rock the empty nest! Let’s eliminate anxiety and create excitement about this inevitable life-changing event.

Register now

Rock The Empty Nest is a free four-day virtual conference. Each day, a group of curated professionals will address one category to help you create an action plan to design your most compelling future, giving you a sense of reassurance, calm, confidence and excitement as you face empty-nesting.

Day One: Logistics - finances, estate planning, insurance, downsizing and possibly relocating

Day Two: Wellness - fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, sleep, daily practices

Day Three: Redefining Relationships - with yourself (rediscover your sensuality), with your partner (or reentering the dating world), with your adult children, with your friends, with your aging parents

Day Four: Reclaiming your Identity - how to get unstuck, career counseling, midlife manifesto, mind mapping

What you can expect:

You will gain tools, strategies and inspiration to guide you through the empty nesting experience. 

You will learn how to shift your focus from taking care of your family to taking care of yourself; we will guide you as you reclaim your own identity. 

You will develop a plan to proactively prepare for this next phase of life and discover the possibilities of what you can do next.  

Let’s reframe the empty nesting experience, so it is seen as a positive, exciting change which can lead to our most fulfilling lives.

The free conference starts May 15 and registration will open on May 1. Even if you cannot join live, all sessions will be recorded, so click below to be put on the waitlist. 

Button:  I want to rock the empty nest!

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