Jen and Lisa



We are excited about collaborating with you on the Rock The Empty Nest Conference.

Our goal is to make your participation as easy as possible. If you have questions that are not covered on this page, please email us at

We look forward to working with you. 


Jen and Lisa

About The Event

This event is a four-day virtual conference with pre-recorded interviews, live segments hosted by Encore Retreats and a dedicated Facebook group to encourage interaction and engagement. 

With the help of this series and your expertise, attendees will gain tools, strategies and inspiration to guide them through the empty nesting experience. Our guests will learn how to:

  • Shift their focus from taking care of their families to taking care of themselves

  • Reclaim their own identities

  • Proactively prepare for this next phase of life

  • Discover the possibilities of what they can do next 

We are reframing the empty nesting experience, so it is seen as a positive, exciting change which can lead to our most fulfilling lives.

The conference will be structured with four pillars, or areas attendees can address to prepare for empty-nesting, and we’ll cover one pillar a day:  

  1. Logistics - finances, estate planning, insurance, downsizing and possibly relocating

  2. Wellness - fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, sleep, daily practices

  3. Redefining Relationships - with yourself (reclaiming sensuality), with your partner (or reentering the dating world), with your adult children, with your friends, with your aging parents

  4. Reclaiming your Identity - how to get unstuck, career counseling, midlife manifesto, mind mapping

How It Will Work


The conference will air Monday, May 15 to Thursday May 18, 2023.  Encore Retreats will kick off each morning with a live session to build excitement and engagement.  Then four or five pre-recorded interviews will be released, each interview being about 45 minutes long.  At the end of the day, we will go live again to answer questions and preview what’s coming up the next day.  As a speaker, you are encouraged to join us for this live session, so you can answer questions about your interview and further engage (optional). 


Attendees will have access to a Facebook group where they can continue interacting and asking questions throughout the conference. If you are not able to join the live closing session on the day your interview is aired, you can answer questions in the Facebook group.  This is another way for you to connect with the attendees and create even more name recognition.


We have already started sharing this event with our community and they are excited!  Our official promotional period will be the two weeks leading up to the conference, when we will be promoting through emails, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and paid advertisements.  We encourage all speakers to participate and we will provide professional swipe copy and speaker graphics to make it easy for you to share with your community.


We will offer a Full Flight Access Pass, which includes lifetime access to all conference interviews and other resources.  This will be offered during the promotion phase, the conference and a few days afterward.

This also creates an opportunity for you to earn some passive income! Please see the Affiliate Information section below for more details.

What We Will Need From You


The next step is scheduling a call for us to talk directly.  We can discuss your potential topic and answer any questions you may have.  We will also want to hear what you’d like to get out of the conference and you can tell us about any resources you’d like to offer. Then we’ll send you a link to gather information from you and schedule your interview, which will be pre-recorded.


In order to complete the conference registration and speakers pages, we will collect your bio, headshot and additional information.  After our introduction call, our Virtual Assistant, Robyn, will send you an email including a link where you can upload this information easily.


We are creating a content-rich, micro learning experience, where each session has a laser focus. We want our attendees to walk away from each interview feeling like they have learned something.

The question we are asking all speakers - how would you break down your area of expertise into three simple actions that our participants can take right now in order to feel more empowered as they approach empty nesting?

We will give you a succinct introduction and overview of your topic and then we’ll jump right into your content.  

We invite all speakers to share a free resource relevant to their topic as a way for attendees to continue learning from you and to opt into your email list. 

Interviews must be completed by Monday, May 1, 2023. 


Conferences are powerful because a group of experts come together for a common goal. Therefore, everyone involved benefits from joint promotion. 

Our official promotional period will be between May 1 to May 15, 2023, the two weeks leading up to the conference.

During this time, all speakers are encouraged to send at least one solo email to their entire list, one to the unopens with a different subject line, and three social media posts. 

Once the conference is closer, you'll receive professional swipe copy and graphics to make this simple.

Affiliate Information


Conferences can help you make new connections and gain visibility, but a little extra income never hurts. 

This is why we've set up an affiliate program for the Full Flight Access Pass, where you'll earn a commission based on traffic you refer to the event.

The Full Flight Access Pass will include lifetime access to all experts’ interviews and transcripts, an implementation workbook, a private online community on Facebook with fellow Full Flight Access Pass holders, a curated book list of speaker-recommended resources, special speaker bonuses (ebooks, templates, etc) and a complimentary 20-minute coaching session with Lisa Waltuch, Encore Retreats’ Content Creator.

As a speaker, you can add additional value to the Full Flight Access Pass if you’d like to offer special bonuses or resources.  All speakers will receive 50% commission from the Full Flight Access Passes sold to attendees registering through your channels.  Our Promotions Team will help establish your affiliate link and will provide you with swipe copy, to make promotions easy.  Payouts will be made by June 9, 2023.

The Full Flight Access Pass will be priced as follows:

  • $67 before and during the summit

  • $87 after the summit

Make sure to disclose to your audience that you're an affiliate when sharing affiliate promotions.

Additional Resources

In the coming weeks, we will be updating this space with:

  • Conference branding 

  • Speaker checklist with due dates so you can keep track of everything

  • Email swipe copy and suggested send dates

  • Social media swipe copy and suggestion posting dates

  • Social media graphics

Next Steps

Just click the button below to let us know you’re interested and we’ll schedule our introduction call.

  • You will receive a link to fill out your basic speaker information

  • Sign up for your affiliate account

  • Record your interview

  • Let us know if you have any questions!

Important Dates

Our important dates are as follows:

  • May 1, 2023: Recorded interview must be completed

  • May 1 - 15, 2023: Promotion period

  • May 15 - 18, 2023: Conference dates

  • By June 9, 2023: Affiliate payouts

Would you like to join us?

Click the button below to schedule a call with Lisa and Jen